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The Doctrine of Salvation

Sermon Archive

Salvation: An Overview

Scripture: Ephesians1:3-14

Salvation: Planned 1: Saved According to Purpose

Scripture: Titus 1:2

Salvation Planned, Part 2: Theological Context

Scripture: Psalm 14:1-3

The Doctrine of Election

Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14

Election According to the Foreknowledge of God

Scripture: Romans 8:28-30

The Sovereignty of God in Salvation

Scripture: Romans 9

The Free Offer of the Gospel, Part 2

Redemption Accomplished: The Saving Mission of the Son

Scripture: John 1:14

Christ’s Death as Sacrifice

Scripture: Ephesians 5:2

A Better Sacrifice

Scripture: Hebrews 9-10

Christ in Our Place – The Doctrine of Substitution

Scripture: Isaiah 53


Scripture: Romans 3:23-25

Redemption, Part 1

Scripture: Matthew 20:28

Redemption, Part 2

Scripture: Romans 3:23-25

Justification: The Great Exchange

Scripture: Romans 4:1-8

Reconciled to God

Scripture: 2 Corinthians  5:18-21

A Price for a People

Scripture: Romans 8:32, 34

Jesus Lifted Up

Scripture: John 12:20-35

Christus Victor

Scripture: Genesis 3:15

Christ’s Resurrection and Ours

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15

Christ Raised for Our Justification

Scripture: Romans 4:25

Christ Ascended and Enthroned

Scripture: Luke 24:45-53, Acts 1:1-11

The Kingship of Christ Theme: A Biblical Survey – Part 1

Scripture: Genesis 1-2

The Kingship of Christ Theme: A Biblical Survey, Part 2

Scripture: Genesis 1-2

The Session of Christ 1: Sending His Spirit

Scripture: Acts 2:33-36

The Session of Christ 2: Priestly Intercession

Scripture: Psalm 110:4

The Gift of the Spirit

Scripture: Acts 1-2

Union with Christ

Scripture: Ephesians 1:3

Common Grace

Scripture: Psalm 145

Saving Grace

Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10

Divine Calling

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 1

Regeneration – Part 1

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7

The Doctrine of Regeneration, Part 2

Scripture: 1 Peter 1

The Doctrine of Conversion

Justly Justified By Grace

Scripture: Romans 3-4

Justified By Faith

Scripture: Romans 3-4

Justification and Peace

Scripture: Romans 5

Justified Already

Scripture: Romans 5

The Doctrine of Adoption, Part 1: Sons in the Son

Scripture: Romans 8:12-15

The Doctrine of Adoption, Part 2: Living as God’s Children 

Scripture: Matthew 5-6

The Doctrine of Sanctification

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:1

Led By the Spirit

Scripture: Romans 8:14

The Perseverance of the Saints

Scripture: Matthew 13:1-23

Safe in Christ Forever

Scripture: Romans 8:28-39

Assurance of Salvation, part 1

Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-22

Assurance of Salvation, part 2 or The Witness of the Spirit

Scripture: Romans 8

The New Covenant Promise of Salvation

Scripture: Jeremiah 31

The Doctrine of Assurance, part 3

Scripture: 1 John 

The Doctrine of Glorification

Scripture: Romans 8:16-end

What Is the Gospel

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 1:18-ff

Is Jesus the Only Way? – Part 1

Scripture: Romans 3:9-ff

Is Jesus the Only Way, Pt. 2

Scripture: Romans 10

Redemption Planned, Accomplished, & Applied

Scripture: John 3:16