Sunday School – 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – 10:30 am ~ Evening Worship Service – 6:00 pm

Individual Sermons

Sermon Archive

Wonder and the Workings of Grace

The Doctrine of Indwelling Sin – The Nature and Effects of It

Reflections from the Book of Hebrews on Jesus Present Work from Heaven

Scripture: Hebrews 2:17-18

The Doctrine of Indwelling Sin – The Hope for the Believer Walking in Sin

Leprosy of the Heart

Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-14

The Doctrine of Indwelling Sin – The Mortification of Sin

Isaiah’s Vision of God: Details of the Vision – part 1

Isaiah: 6:1-4

Ready for the Judge’s Return

Scripture: Matthew 24-25

Creation vs. Evolution

Delighting in the Expectation of Our New Tents

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

The Hope of Resurrection

Scripture: Psalm 16

How Should We Understand the Great Commission – part 1

Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20

How Should We Understand the Great Commission – part 2

Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20

Momentous Events in Old Testament History – Isaiah’s Vision of God – part 2

How Should We Understand the Great Commission – part 3

Scripture: Acts 7:54-8:4

Moses’ Response to the Lord’s Presence

Scripture: Exodus 34:8-9

Thanksgiving Song Service 2019

Momentous Events in Old Testament Redemption History – The Exodus

Understanding Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism

Review Lesson on the Christian and Contemporary Culture

Refuge in the Righteous Judge – part 1

Scripture: Psalm 7

Refuge in the Righteous Judge – part 2

Scripture: Psalm 7

Christ’s Resurrection, Our Justification (2020 Easter Webinar)

Scripture: Romans 4:24-25

Covid Virus from the Hand of God: Providence in 2020 – Providence – part 1

The Sovereign Hand of God at Work in Every Detail – Providence – part 2

Living and Ministering Under Difficult Providence – Providence – part 3

The First Passover

Scripture: Exodus 12

Comfort in Distressing Times – Providence – part 4

Scripture: Isaiah 40

Exalted with Christ, Living for Christ

Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4

Philemon & Onesimus: Gospel Fellowship Applied

Scripture: Philemon 1: 1-25

Origin of False Religion – Multiplication of False Religion


Scripture: John 16:5-11

At Just the Right Time

Scripture: Galatians 3:26-4:7

Trinity, Christology, and the Early Creeds, Part 1

A Unique Conception and a Unique Descendant of Abraham and David

Scripture: Matthew 1:1, 18-end

Living Worthy of the Gospel in the Face of Opposition – part 1

Scripture: Philippians 1

Trinity, Christology, and the Early Creeds, Part 2

There is a Higher Throne

Scripture: Revelation 4-5

Trinity, Christology, and the Creeds, Part 3

Living Worthy of the Gospel in the Face of Opposition – part 2

Scripture: Philippians 1:27-30

Chalcedon & the Two Natures of Christ

Peace Like No Other Peace

Scripture: John 14:15-31

The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

Scripture: Luke 16:1-13

God Over the Nations

Scripture: Amos 1-2

Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Scripture: Luke 16:14-31

The Free Offer of the Gospel, Part 1

Scripture: Luke 24:47

The Yeast of the World

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:1-7

Deeper Dive into The Mortification of Sin – part 1

Scripture: Romans 8:13

The Anatomy of Sins Deception – Deeper Dive into The Mortification of Sin – part 2

Scripture: Romans 8:13

Deeper Dive into The Mortification of Sin – part 2 – Includes a review of part 1

The Skill-Set of Effective Mortification – Deeper Dive into The Mortification of Sin – part 3

God’s Nearness

Deep Darkness, Greater God

Scripture: Psalm 77

God’s Scorecard for Worshippers

Scripture: Matthew 15:7-9, Psalm 69:30-31

Psalm 88 – Lament Psalms

The Patriarchal Sojournies – A Model for Christian Living

The Miracle of the Swine

Scripture: Mark 5

Account of the Canaanite Woman

Scripture: Matthew 15:21-28

The Powerless Disciples and the Mighty Christ

The Role of a Faithful Pastor

On the occasion of Pastor Boyd’s 50th anniversary as pastor of RBC

Scripture: Numbers 16:46-end

Presumptuous Sins

Scripture: 1 Samuel 15

A Psalm of Grateful Praise

Scripture: Psalm 100

Responding to Suffering

Scripture: Psalm 13

The Word Made Flesh: A Christmas Message

Scripture: John 1:1-18

The Church and Politics

Scripture: Romans 13:1-7

What Happens to Infants that Die?

Up From the Grave He Arose – So What?

EASTER Sunday 2022

The Glory of God

Manage Your Expectations

What Would It Take to Change Society from Its Sinful Path?

Scripture: Acts 11:19-26

Faithfulness in Jesus 

Scripture: Luke 18:35-19:27

Regeneration and You – Why this Matters

Scripture: John 3: 1-15

Regeneration and God’s Love

Scripture: John 3:16-21

The Pharisee and Tax Collector–Parsing the Parable’s Punchline

Scripture: Luke 18:14b

The Self-Sufficiency of God

Scripture: Exodus 3, Acts 17

Always Giving Thanks for Everything

Scripture: Psalm 100

Take Care Then How You Hear

Scripture: Luke 8:16-18

Up From the Grave He Arose

Scripture: Matthew 28

All Right and All Might

Scripture: Genesis 1


Scripture: Various texts

New Testament Church Elder

Scripture: I Timothy 3;1-7; Titus 1;1-14

A Sinner Loves Christ Much

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

The Return of Jesus Christ

Scripture: 2 Peter 3

The Raising of Dorcas

Scripture: Acts 9:36-43

Confronting to Correct

Scripture: Acts 18:24-28

What is Impossible with Man is Possible With God

Scripture: Matthew 19:26

Three Duties Most Certainly Implied in the Great Commission

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

The Work of the Lord

Scripture: I Corinthians 15:58

The Reason for Jude’s Letter

Scripture: Jude 1:1-4

Jesus is Lord!

Scripture: Acts 2

The Fear of God, pt. 2

Scripture: Various Texts

Making Sure You’re Not on the Left

Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Depression in a Biblical Context

Scripture: Psalm 38:1-10