Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. 
Morning Service – 10:30 a.m. 
Evening Service – 6:00 p.m.



Sermon Archive

Introduction to the Historical, Political and Religious Setting in which the Book of Zephaniah Took Place

Scripture: Zephaniah

Destruction is On Its Way

Scripture: Zephaniah 1:1-3

Judah is Included in the Coming Judgment

Scripture: Zephaniah 1:1-6

A Call to Reverance God and to Practice Righteousness

Scripture: Zephaniah 1:7-13

A Terrible Day Without Hope for Escape – Except there is ONE Way

Scripture: Zephaniah 1:7-18, 2:1-3

God Will Punish Godless Gentile Nations as Well as Judah

Scripture: Zephaniah 2:4-11

The Case Against Jerusalem

Scripture: Zephaniah 3:1-7

Restoration and Purification for the Nations and for a Remnant in Israel

Scripture: Zephaniah 3:8-13

The Suffering People of God are Promised Future Blessings

Scripture: Zephaniah 3:8-20